Want to contribute to cutting edge stammering research?
UK recruitment is open!
We are looking for people from the UK who who have ever experienced stammering, to take volunteer for our international genetics study!
Our study is aiming to uncover the genes that predispose individuals to stammering. This work could revolutionise future research into the causes, and biology of stuttering. We are also collecting information about the lived experience of stammering, and therapy people have had. This will help inform how support can be improved in the future.

Who can take part?
Anybody who has ever experienced stammering (also known as stuttering), now, or in the past., can volunteer for the study. We are looking for adults and children over 5 years to take part. For children and young people under 16, a parent or guardian must sign up to the study on the child's behalf.

How do I get involved?
Interested in taking part in the study? That's great!
Head here to complete a 10-minute online survey and optionally record a short sample of your speech. You will then be asked to donate a saliva sample, for DNA analysis. We will send a saliva collection kit ('spit-kit') together with a pre-paid return envelope, for you to return your sample. That's it!

Not based in the UK?
Not based in United Kingdom, but still want to take part? No problem!
At the moment we are only able to collect saliva samples for genetic analysis in the UK and Australia (if you are in Australia, please head to our Australian study website!). If you are based elsewhere, you can still sign up to our study; however, depending where you live, we may not be able to collect your saliva sample just yet. Even if you are not able to provide a saliva sample, the information you provide via the questionnaire will still be valuable to our ongoing work to better understand the experiences of people who stammer.